Active Grants:
Project Dates: 09/2024 - 08/2029
Racial disparities in access to kidney transplantation
Project Dates: 04/2024 - 03/2029
Midwest Disease Modeling and Analytics Preparedness Center (MDAP)
Project Dates: 00/2023 - 08/2028
Mining minority enriched AllofUs data for innovative ethnic specific risk prediction modeling
SCH: A New Computational Framework for Learning from Imbalanced Biomedical Data
A Translational Informatics Framework to Mine Efficacy and Safety of Dietary Supplements
AI driven modifications of a mobile food record to enhance capture of dietary intake
Imbalanced Learning of Medical NLP
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Sun/Zhang)Funding Agency: CISCOProject Dates: 12/2022-12/2023Detecting synergistic effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for AD/ADRD
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunding Agency: NIH/National Institution on Aging 1R01AG078154-01 (PI: Zhang/Xu)Project Dates: 9/2022-5/2027 (total cost: $3.9 million)
Role: Co-Investigator (leading NLP efforts at UMN site)
Project Dates: 10/2021-05/2022
- Use of a Mobile Food Record, Enhanced by a Novel Artificial Intelligence-Based Informatics Framework, to Expand Capture of Dietary Intake
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (PI: Chow/Zhang)
Project Dates: 12/2021-11/2023
Role: Co-investigator
Funding Agency: NIH/NCATS 1UL1TR002494 (PI: Blazar)
Project Dates: 03/2018-02/2023
- Creating a 21st Century Precision Medicine in Intensive Care Unit
- NYHA Classification Determination from Electronic Health Records for Medtronic CRT Patients
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Agency: Medtronic Inc. (Aliferis/Speedie)
Project Dates: 11/2017-09/2018
- Using Electronic Health Records to Validate Literature Discovery-Based Drug-Drug Interactions
- Improving Breast Cancer Survivors’ Disease Management Outcomes through Smartphone Apps and Online Health Community
- Large-scale discovery of drug-supplements interactions in biomedical literature