- 09/2024 - Dr. Zhang received a new U01 as MPI from NCCIH entitled "COMBINI: connecting COmplementary Medicine evidence and BIological kNowledge to support Integrative Health"
- Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to receive a new R01 project from NIDDK as MPI entitled "Racial disparities in access to kidney transplantation".
- 9/28/2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to receive a new R21 project from NIHMD as contact PI with Drs. Jinghua Huang and Jue Hou entitled "Mining minority enriched AllofUs data for innovative ethnic specific risk prediction modeling"
- 7/28/2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to receive a new R01 project 1R01CA287413-01 from NCI as MPI with Drs. Ju Sun and Ying Cui entitled "SCH: A New Computational Framework for Learning from Imbalanced Biomedical Data"
- 1/20/2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to receive a renewal R01 project as Principal Investigator from NCCIH 2R01AT009457 "A Translational Informatics Framework to Mine Efficacy and Safety of Dietary Supplements", with a total cost of $3.1 million. News report
- 10/2022 - Welcome Dr. Ying Liu as a research scientist joining our lab
- 10/2022 - Welcome Dr. Yu Hou as a research scientist joining our lab
- 08/2022 - Dr. Zhang will lead the new division of Computational Health Sciences as founding chief. News | Video
- 08/2022 - Congratulations to Dr. Zhang to received a R01 project as Principal Investigator from NIA 1R01AG078154-01"Detecting synergistic effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for AD/ADRD", with a total cost of $3.9 million. News
- 11/2021 - Congratudations to Andrew Wang (Wayzata High School) to be named as AMIA High School Scholar 2021.
- 10/2021 - Congratulations to Dr. Zhang being elected as Fellow of Americian Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA)
- 11/16/2020 - Congratudations to Andrew Yang (Wayzata High School) to be named as AMIA High School Scholar 2020.
- 07/01/2020 - Our lab received a supplement award from the National Institute on Aging to study the effects of dietary supplement on Alzheimer's Disease using EHR data and NLP techniques.
- 11/13/2019 - Yadan sucessfully defended her dissertation. Congralutations, Dr. Fan!!! She started a new position as a Senior Research Scientist at Nuance Heathcare AI solutions team!
- 07/09/2019 - Congratulations on Rubina's new position as Physician Health Services Researcher at IBM Watson for Health!!!
- 05/28/2019 - Congratulations on Yadan's new position as Senior Research Scientist at Nuance Communications!!!
- 04/11/2019 - Dr. Zhang will give a tutorial "T6: Applications of natural language processing in clinical resaerch and practice" on June 2nd in NAACL-HLT 2019 [tutorial slides]
- 04/09/2019 - Our lab received an administrative supplement award to the parenet R01 from NIH!
- 04/05/2019 - Congratulations to Yifan Li (PharmD student) receiving summer Melendy/Peters Research Scholarship.
- 03/25/2019 - Congratulations to Yadan Fan for winning the 3rd place in AMIA Informatics Summit Student Paper Competition!
- 03/18/2019 - Dr. Zhang is named as McKnight Presidential Fellow! [IHI news] [Pharmacy news] [CTSI news]
- 04/25/2018 - Congratulations to Yadan Fan for receiving the prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship!!
- 03/12/2018 - Congratulations to Dr. Rizvi, whose paper was selected the AMIA TBI student paper competition!
- 09/20/2017 - Welcome Jake joining the team as a NLP programmer
- 09/05/2017 - Welcome Dr. Rubina Rizvi joining the team as a postdoctral research associate
- 03/30/2017 – PhD student Yadan is the second place winner on AMIA CRI Student Paper Competition.
- 03/21/2017 – Three student papers were accepted by MEDINFO 2017.
- 03/14/2017 – Our lab received a R01 research grant from NIH/NCCIH (Dr. Zhang is the PI)!
- 06/16/2016 – Two student papers were accepted by AMIA 2016.
- 06/07/2016 – Dr. Zhang is attending ODS Research Practicum.
- 02/29/2016 – Our work on literature mining for drug-supplement interactions highlighted:
How Your Supplements Interact With Prescription Drugs by LAURA LANDRO
“Researchers at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis are exploring interactions between cancer drugs and dietary supplements, based on data extracted from 23 million scientific publications, according to lead author Rui Zhang, a clinical assistant professor in health informatics. In a study published last year by a conference of the American Medical Informatics Association, he says, they identified some that were previously unknown.”
[The Wall Street Journal] [Fox News]
- 02/27/2016 – we received Best Poster Award in BHI-2016 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics